Saturday, February 22, 2014

Module 3: SMART Boards, Polls, and Flashcards

As I work my way through another eye-opening module, I am becoming more and more of a “technology believer.” I will first start with my reflections on SMART Boards and how they can really engage and motivate my students. In my school division, almost every classroom is equipped with an interactive whiteboard. Coming into this position, I had never used one myself. I know I am not old enough to say “back in the day,” but back in the day, my high school had (and still has) chalkboards, overhead projectors (the ones that require transparencies), and maybe a LCD projector on the cart, which the teacher had to sign out. When my school acquired an interactive whiteboard, the students became interested. Just like the COWs (computers on wheels), teachers had to sign out the SMART Board, which was shared between all the teachers in the school. We were amazed at what this magical board could do, and our interest in the lessons peaked. Coming back to the present day, a mere 6 years later, I am now using this technology in my classroom every day. In fact, I don’t even have a regular whiteboard to speak of. My SMART Board is the center of my lessons for giving notes. However, when I ask myself if I am using it in the best way to engage my students, I am disappointed to say that I am not. Part of this is the learning curve and getting used to the technology and discovering myself its capabilities. When I am up at the SMART Board, I use it as if it were a regular whiteboard. There are certainly some advantages of the interactive whiteboard that the regular chalkboard does not have, even without using many of its features. I realize, however, that I am not reaching the potential that the board has to offer for myself and for my students.

In creating an interactive SMART lesson that is student focused, I explored more of the features of the software used for these interactive whiteboards. I centered the lesson on getting the kids up, moving, and excited to come write on the SMART Board. Despite the fact that technology is all around them, this is a piece of technology that they often do not get to control and use. I designed my lesson to have students explore the features of the SMART board software while also exploring concepts in my content area. While my lesson was simplistic, I am excited to explore new features of the board that will get my students active and engaged with the material.

Some additional benefits of using a SMART Board are listed in this website.

Another concept covered in this module was the use of polling. I have seen and used some different polling websites before, but I had never thought to design a warm up or exit activity around a poll. What a fun and exciting way to collect data! I could design polls that will allow me to track student growth and to design better formative assessments. SMART Boards have similar capabilities with the SMART response technology. During an in class lesson, I personally would prefer to use SMART response as opposed to an online poll that would require students to pull out cell phones and smart phones to answer the poll. While it seems that every student has a phone, I do not want to run into the problem of excluding a student whose parents might not be able to afford a cell phone for their child. Of course, these polls can be completed through a computer as well, but I do not have computers for student use in my classroom. I would have to sign them out, which could be a hassle if I decide to use polls as a regular activity. With SMART response, the poll is created through the SMART notebook software. Students get to operate a small, individual input device, and the answers are anonymous to their peers. It presents the results, which I could then use as data for my own purposes. Once again, this approach could be difficult due to the fact that the school only has so many sets of the SMART response controllers. Signing them out regularly for use in my own lessons would keep other teachers from having access to them. However, I love the concept of polling.

The other technology that caught my attention was the online flashcards. While I admit to not being a “flashcard person,” many students do well with this system of studying and reinforcing concepts. With geometry in particular, students have a lot of terms and concepts that they have to know. Creating flashcards online could be a really effective tool to get them working with and studying the material.

As always, I am amazed at all the tools that are available (often free of charge) and can be used in the classroom. When integrated properly into a lesson, technology can be a great way to get students engaged and thinking at a higher level.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Module 2 Reflection

As I reflect on this second module, I am beginning to recognize more useful aspects of technology and how it can be used in the classroom. I am feeling more settled with the layout of the course on Canvas, and I had the pleasure of meeting with Dr. Coffman in person during her office hours. I am looking forward to the new technologies we will be learning about and using for this course!

One of the points in this module that really made me think is the concept and awareness of a digital footprint. I consider myself a person who is not the most digitally connected. I held off for a very long time before signing up for Facebook, and once I joined, I set the privacy settings fairly high. I always try to make sure that I disclose as little personal information as possible. This class is pushing me out of my comfort zone a little bit when it comes to use of technology, whether it be for personal or professional purposes. I had been resisting Twitter, and I had no intention of having one before this course. While I may be more conservative when it comes to technology use, many of our younger students think nothing about creating a new account online. As a result, they need to be taught the skills of safe Internet use from an early age in order to keep them protected.

In regard to blogs, I find them to be a great tool and source of information. While not all blogs are considered quality material, many blogs share well supported opinions or useful information worth considering. Teaching students how to sort the good information from the bad in the examples of blogs will help them to understand that not everything online is high quality. In addition, blogs are a great way for students to learn how to write and post their thoughts for the world to see. I can see the educational value of a blog and am excited to find ways to motivate my own students to reach this higher level of thinking and posting.

I still have some reserves when it comes to using certain technologies in the classroom. While many students do have access to a computer and Internet, not all do. I would hesitate to assign homework that requires the use of technology, unless the students without the resources are willing to work with some accommodations. In addition, while technology is designed to be more user friendly in order to gain a larger audience, some students can get frustrated when something goes wrong or they are not sure how to use the technology. If the assignment has a grade attached, such a situation could escalate the students' stress and anxiety. Until I gain more confidence in weaving technology into my lessons, I will keep these tools as an extra resource for my students rather than a requirement.

I love the concept of Padlet and sticky notes in general. Before even knowing about this online tool, I had plans to set up a "Stuff that Stuck" board in my classroom to use as an exit tool for my lessons. I want for my students to provide feedback by writing either a concept they learned, a lightbulb moment they had, or a question they want answered on a post-it note and and then stick it to the board as they exit the classroom. I could set up a similar activity online for my students (especially to cut down on the waste and cost of providing post it notes) or make a resource page similar to the one that the geometry teacher had created.

For my padlet page, I would love for you to share what kind music you like. I posted a Youtube video of Sinead O'Connor singing an Irish Rebel song called "Oro Se do Bheatha Bhaile." I would love to know what kind of music you listen to (I was also a music major, remember?). I could do something similar to this for my students as a way to get to know them and their tastes in music or some other topic. Please, post away!

Reference List

Coffman, T. (2013). Using Inquiry in the Classroom: Developing Creative Thinkers and Information Literate Students (2nd ed.)Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education. 

Solomon, G., & Schrum, L. (2010). Web 2.0: How-to for Educators. Washington, DC: International Society for Technology in Education.